​Gutelius House Museum
In 1792 Elias Youngman laid out a town that extended from Third Street west and called it Youngsmanstown. In 1797, George Rote laid out a town east of Youngsmanstown and it was called Rotestown. Frederick A. Gutelius was born in Lancaster County Pa, the son of John Peter and Anna Maria Gutelius on December 26, 1766. In 1790, he married Anna Catherine Bistel. About 1802 Fredrick and his wife moved to MIfflinburg. They bought a lot at the northeastern corner of Green and Fifth Streets on which they built a log home that was later sheathed. Frederick was a blacksmith and surveyor. In 1813 he was elected Union County Commissioner and a year leater was appointed Justice of the Peace by the Governor. The Gutelius' were founders of the Reformed Church. They were parents of 11 sons, William, William, Samuel, John Frederick, John Peter, David, Israel, Henry, Andrew, George, and Joseph, and four daughters, Elizabeth, Annie Catherine, Annie Maria and Sarah, most of whom lived in Mifflinburg. Three of their grandsons became buggy makers.
Frederick died in 1839 and his wife, Anna, died in 1838, and both are buried in Mifflinburg.

Frederick A. Gutelius
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In 1802, Frederick A. Gutelius and family migrated from Lancaster Country, being part of the early immigrants who came to the Colonies for religious freedom and to also purchase a piece of land where they could pursue their own goals. They came because the Palantinate area in Germany had served as a battlefield for centuries. Many German-speaking people accepted William Penn's invitation as England opened the Colonies for settlements. The original people settled near Philadelphia, then with the New Purchase of 1769, the West Branch Valley opened for settlements. The river land was already occupied by Scotch-Irish, so the Germans were forced to move inland.

Elias Youngman and family settled near the present site of Mifflinburg. Youngman surveyed building lots in what today is the oldest part of Mifflinburg. Frederick A. Gutelius purchased the lot on the corner of Fifth and Green Streets and built a two-story log home with a detached "summer kitchen". Frederick was a blacksmith by trade, but he had also studied surveying and conducted many surveys in the county. In 1813, he was elected to be one of the three commissioners for the new Union County. One year later, he added Esquire to his name when he was appointed Justice of the Peace. The Gutelius family was of the Reformed faith and like the Lutherans used the German language in their services. By 1805, there were distinct Lutheran and Reformed congregations within the town, but neither could afford to build a separate church. Elias Youngman donated a parcel of ground on Fifth Street for construction of a church, which then served as a "union" place of worship for both groups. Frederick Gutelius served as the secretary and treasurer of the Reformed congregation.

Frederick and Anna Gutelius raised 15 children at the corner of Fifth and Green. In the years to come, the children were very active in the community, becoming very involved with the buggy building business. Frederick Gutelius Jr. became known for his hand woven fabrics and coverlets as well as the dyes he grew.