​Gutelius House Museum
2021 Events & Activities
Open from 1-4 pm on the third Sunday of every month from April - October
Date & Time Exhibits, Events, & Activities
Sunday April 18 1-4 pm
Opening day for the Museum
Sunday May 16 th 1 - 4 pm
Museum is open
Sunday June 20 1-4 pm
Museum is open.
Sunday July 18 1 - 4 PM
Sunday August 15th 1 - 4 pm
Friday Sept 17 10-5
Saturday Sept 18 10 - 5
Sunday Sept 19 1 - 4
Traditional Carpentry Days with Frank Stoik of The Country Homestead.
Museum is open for tours. This month we are featuring the life and love of Mabel Gutelius Mensh. You will see her clothing, quilt, riding blanket, photos and documents. Admission is free. Donations appreciated.
Museum is open
Sunday Oct. 17th 1-4 pm
Blacksmith's in action and Tomahawk Throwing.
Stop by to watch local blacksmiths work. You will also be able to try your hand a tomahawk throwing.
Featuring members of the Union County Muzzleloaders.
Museum is closed until Spring